Just because it’s a laundry room doesn’t mean it can’t be stylish right? When we bought our home I was so happy that the laundry room was on the same floor as my bedroom. It makes it so much easier. Since we are a family of seven I do a lot of laundry. In fact, I am a little OCD about it. Usually, when we go to bed the only dirty laundry is on our bodies. I figured since I am always in this room, I might as well make it nice. I found such cute accessories and washer/dryer decals. I had to share. See below for resources. XOXO Dena
Washer/Dryer Decals: Etsy
Shop: Fancy Fix Decor 18.5 inches $36.50
Laundry Soap Jugs: Etsy
Shop: Church Street Designs(set of 3 ) $99.00
Canisters: Wayfair
Glass Kitchen Canisters by Carlton Home $21.99
3 qt. Heritage Hill Kitchen Canister by Anchor Hocking $34.99
Clothes Pins: Wayfair
Traditional Clothes Pins by Honey Can Do $25.99
Cabinet Knobs: Wayfair
1 5/16″ Diameter Mushroom Knob by Richelieu $4.38 each
Large Clothes Pin Clip: Wayfair
Giant Clothes Pin Clip by Gracie Oaks $25.99