Negroni Spritz

The Negroni is a classic Italian cocktail that was first created at the Caffe Casoni in Florence in 1919.  My version is my take on the classic.  I add fresh orange juice and club soda.  For me the addition of these two ingredients lighten up this cocktail a little for the warm summer months, making this the perfect drink to unwind with in the warm Tuscan sun. 

Negroni Spritz 

(One Cocktail)

2 oz. Fresh Orange Juice

1 oz. Gin

1 oz. Sweet Vermouth

1 oz. Campari

2 oz of Club Soda

Orange slice and Fresh Rosemary for garnish

In a shaker combine the orange juice, gin, vermouth and Campari. Shake

Place ice in a glass.  Pour the mixture over the ice.  Top with club soda and serve garnish with an orange slice and sprig of rosemary

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