Sloppy Joes

Old fashioned Sloppy Joe sandwiches are an American classic. Growing up my mom never let me buy school lunch.  I begged her to buy these one day and she gave in.  I ate them and they were tasteless.  So gross.  But then she made this version and I loved them.  Trust me when I say this is  an easy and delicious meal that your whole family is sure to love too!

Sloppy Joes 

(Serves 6)

3 Tbsp. Olive Oil

2 Lbs. Ground Beef

1 tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce

1 tbsp. Brown Sugar

1 tsp, Mustard

½ Cup Water

16 oz. Tomato Sauce

½ tsp. Chili Powder

¾ tsp. Salt

1/2 tsp. Black Pepper

1 tsp. Garlic Powder

1 Small Onion – Chopped

1 Green Pepper – Chopped

¼ tsp. Red Pepper Flakes (Optional)

1 Package Hamburger Rolls

Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and add in the beef.  Break up the meat with the side of your wooden spoon like you would taco meat.  While that is cooking, in a bowl combine the worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, water, mustard, tomato sauce and chili powder.  Mix well. 

Next season the beef with salt, black pepper and garlic powder ( you can add the chili flakes now if you would like).  Add in the onion and pepper and saute for about 5 minutes or until until fragrant and almost cooked through.  Add in the tomato mixture and cook for at least 10 more minutes. Serve on top of hamburger rolls. 

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