


14 Cups Flour

28 Eggs 

8 tsp. Vanilla 

8 cups honey 

4 Tbsp. Cinnamon 

1 Gallon Corn oil 

Non-Pariel Multi colored sprinkles 


Heat oil in a large deep pan about a quarter of the way filled.  

On a clean surface dusted with flour put 14 cups of flour. Make a large well in the middle and add the eggs and vanilla a little at a time, working them into the flour.  Knead the dough with your hands. Cut the dough into small pieces. About the size of a baseball. Then using your hands roll the dough into quarter inch  wide logs.Once the logs are rolled out slice each log into half inch small pieces. Once all of the dough is cut up put the Struffoli on a well floured surface to get ready to fry. 

Fry the Struffoli about 1 ½  cups at a time until golden brown. Quick note, you might want to use multiple pans to make this process quicker.   Remove from the pan and put on a paper towel to dry any excess oil off of them. Fry them in intervals, being sure to change out the oil when necessary. Once all of the Struffoli have filled completely (can even do days later), it will be time to dress them with the honey mixture. 

For the honey mixture, heat up the honey in a large saucepan. Add the cinnamon. You might want to add more cinnamon then recommended. It is to your taste. 

In a large bowl put some of the Struffoli. Spoon the honey over them and mix well. Do this in small batches. Put in containers and pour some of the honey mixture over each batch of Struffoli. Top with non-pariel sprinkles. Do not refrigerate.


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